The primary focus of Texoma Youth Camp is SUMMER CAMP
Teens from all over North Texas attend week-long camps sponsored by churches and non-profit organizations. Texoma Youth Camp is fortunate to have several organizations that have been consistent partners over the years. These partner organizations plan and facilitate the summer camp sessions, with the help of TYC.
Over the years, thousands of kids have participated in the “Texoma experience” - growing in maturity and faith - and gaining friends and memories that will last a lifetime.
The camp was first leased by Boles Children’s Home in the 1940s. The original purpose of the camp was to provide a camp experience for the orphans who lived at Boles Home. Over the years, the mission of Boles Children’s Home changed from providing care for orphans to giving troubled kids and unwed, teenage mothers a place to live, learn and grow.
Texoma Youth Camp has returned to the original mission of providing an affordable, quality Christian summer camp experience to disadvantaged youth.
• During summer 2008, TYC hosted a week-long camp for foster kids transitioning out of Texas’ state-mandated foster care system. Sponsored by Central Dallas Ministries’ TRAC program, foster teens and CPS counselors spent a week discussing what life will be like outside of foster care. This was a life-changing week for both the kids and the adult counselors. TYC was honored to participate by providing service staff (cooks, nurse, lifeguard), meals and lodging free-of-charge to all participants.
• Also in 2008, TYC hosted a camp for several Dallas southern-sector churches. These churches had limited funds available and lacked the number of kids to make a normal camp possible. Through the help of several TYC participants, five churches were partnered together, providing the numbers and momentum that resulted in a great camp. TYC participated in organizing, staffing, and funding this camp for kids who would not otherwise have such an incredible opportunity.
• Encouraging our partner organizations to reach out and invite kids living in less-fortunate situations to participate in their camping sessions. For example, ten residents from Boles Children’s Home attended the 2008 Skillman Church Texoma Camp - with all costs covered by generous donations to Texoma Youth Camp.
All children, regardless of life circumstances, deserve the opportunity to be loved, encouraged and challenged in an inspiring environment of acceptance and hope. That goal is what we are pursuing at Texoma Youth Camp.
TYC is now available for your group!
Contact us today if your organization would like to sponsor a summer camp session - or a weekend retreat during the spring, fall, or winter.